everyday mantra
everyday mantra
Happy, healthy and fit will have a different look, size and feel for every individual.
Making conscious choices for overall well being—body, mind, and spirit— will add value and increase mindfulness to all areas of existence.
Each day is filled with opportunity; you have the choice to become the best version of you, that which you desire to be; healthy, kind, calm, compassionate, mindful, fit..
Honor where you are in life and in practice(s) today; do the best with what's given, within current capabilities. Remembering that everyday is different and one's best may vary.
Honor your truth—whatever it is you speak of or dream up, live it and let it become you. Acknowledge when you fall out of practice and come back. Notice moments in —physical, physiological, psychological or spiritual—practice when you could give more, and those when you should step back.
Recognize as you grow your truth and practices will too evolve.
Shifts happen when least expected.
dream into reality
Follow along with ears if you can, eyes if you must.
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